CODIP has been evaluated extensively to assess its effectiveness with children of
different ages and socio-demographic backgrounds. Since its inception in 1982, six controlled
studies have been conducted including a two-year follow-up documenting the
program’s enduring benefits to children. Research on the initial program with fourth- to sixthgrade
suburban children, using a delayed treatment control group design, assessed CODIP’s
efficacy on children’s adjustment from four perspectives: parents, teachers, group leaders,
and the children themselves. From all four perspectives, program children improved signi-
ficantly when compared to matched controls randomly assigned to a delayed treatment
condition (Pedro-Carroll & Cowen, 1985). Specifically, program children had significant
decreases in teacher ratings of both disruptive and shy/anxious classroom behaviors. Moreover,
teachers reported increases in children’s ability to tolerate frustration, follow rules, ask
for help when needed, and get along well with peers. Parents reported improvements in
children’s overall adjustment, and children themselves reported significantly lower anxiety
after participating in the program. A replication study with different group leaders and
different schools confirmed these initial findings (Pedro-Carroll et al., 1986)