underlying message of this report is that all S
ervice Desks need to retain the
human element of empathy, understanding and excepti
onal customer service.
Technology should be used to enhance the customer e
xperience, not detract from it.
If Service Desks have any fears that self service a
nd other automated support
functions will make the Service Desk redundant, the
y are completely unfounded –
there will simply never be a substitute for the hum
an knowledge and support
system. Additionally, whilst there is a strong move
towards self service technologies
owing to customer demand and the belief that it is
an acceptable channel of support,
such moves are still highly dependent on culture. T
here will be some users who will
always want to speak to someone in person, and we m
ust ensure that this provision
is always there. Striking the balance between what
customers demand and what the
Service Desk is willing and able to offer is a diff
icult balance: understanding your
customers will aid immeasurably in ensuring that th
e balance is the right one.