when Myanmar became independent, and
2000. The first chapter provides a chronology, in which the author divides the half century
into three periods, namely, the period of parliamentary democracy (1948–62), the socialist
period under military rule (1962–88), and the market-oriented period under military rule
(1988 to the present). The second chapter deals with the first period, Chapters 3 and 4
discuss the second period, and the fifth and sixth chapters cover the third period. For each
period, the author first assesses macroeconomic and external sector performance and then
examines sectoral and social developments. The final chapter offers a conclusion.
when Myanmar became independent, and2000. The first chapter provides a chronology, in which the author divides the half centuryinto three periods, namely, the period of parliamentary democracy (1948–62), the socialistperiod under military rule (1962–88), and the market-oriented period under military rule(1988 to the present). The second chapter deals with the first period, Chapters 3 and 4discuss the second period, and the fifth and sixth chapters cover the third period. For eachperiod, the author first assesses macroeconomic and external sector performance and thenexamines sectoral and social developments. The final chapter offers a conclusion.
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