It is clearly showed that the p-value of the test between TL and AC SUM and the test
between TL and NC SUM are both less than .01, indicating that transformational
leadership has highly significant linear relations with affective commitment and
normative commitment respectively. In particular, the F value of the linear regression
test between TL and AC SUM is 5.95 that is greater than the F value between TL and
NC SUM (F=1.56) and TL and CC SUM (F=1.34), implicating that transformational
leadership has the most impact on affective commitment. In addition, partial eta
squared .72 represents 72 percent of the variance in affective commitment explained
by transformational leadership. On contrast, p-value of the test between TL and CC
SUM is .105, which is much greater than .05, showing that the linear relationship
between transformational leadership and continuance commitment is not significant.