The interpretation of the variation in lubricant film thickness during the cycle and identification of the factors which may influence this are matters of importance in design. it must first be noted that the analysis has been based on a quasi-static approach - that is each instant is considered a snapshot in time with conditions taken to be steady and no estimation of transient effects. Thus the nominal point of contact between the cam and follower traverses across the follower face whilst the cam rotates and the follower reciprocates in the plane of the camshaft. Two important parameters characterising the generation of film thickness under hydrodynamic or elastohydrodynamic conditions are the mean velocity with which the lubricant is entrained into the contact and the effective radius of curvature at contact. For the situation under consideration these are shown in Figure 6. Because the nominal contact point traverses across the face of the follower it will be seen that there is a change in direction of the lubricant entrainment. Thus there are two positions during the cycle where the entrainment velocity is zero and with the quasi-static analysis the film thickness is predicted to be zero at these points. The nature of the contact behaviour at these positions will be critical. it must be noted that, in reality, although the generation of pressure within the lubricant film due to what is known as the hydrodynamic wedge mechanism will be nonexistent at these two points, the protective mechanism of the equally powerful squeeze film effect (which has not been considered) will be brought into play.