„Wants initially, I to see his time, his obscure individual, but now he already was notorious, the name shook the Holy Land of Martialism five big evil person's heads.”
„Dies innocent person in his hands, is simply innumerable, when initially, my first time saw fought the heaven, from his hand saves that family member, was fought afterward also the heaven to kill, and loathsome appearance”
„Therefore I hate, hating me to be incompetent.” In the eye of snow blade crazy demon, full is the hate, not only to fighting the hate of heaven, has similarly to own hate.
„You, since has seen him, should know that his long anything appearance, you told me, I helped you look for him.” Chu Feng said.
Knew after fighting the heaven the actions, Chu Feng thought that this fellow, cannot forgive absolutely, so long as knows his appearance, when is young appearance, Chu Feng, so long as sees him, can see through his appearance.
„No, first time sees his time, he is then bringing the mask, I do not know that he grows into any appearance.”
„In fact, nobody knows radically that actually fights the heaven to grow into any appearance.” Snow blade crazy demon said.
„How can like this?” Chu Feng is startled very much, sighed along with back of the body in: „It seems like this war heaven, is a very discrete person, when he prepares to do wickedly, will hide the portrait, this is not indeed easy to do.”
„Chu Feng little friend, so long as I am also living, had the opportunity to find that war heaven, in my heart also hopeful.”
„However in fact, I originally the person of dying, was you helps me continue the life, therefore I was very grateful you.”
„You , if not shut out, I am willing to join your Azure Tree Mountain, does not do to enroll Elder, but makes your Azure Tree Mountain Elder.” Snow blade crazy demon said.
Before, he did not join Azure Tree Mountain, was because he cut to kill sun palace Elder in the presence of everyone, therefore feared that the sun palace murdered those who have cheated them in him, thus has implicated Azure Tree Mountain.
But now, Azure Tree Mountain and relations of sun palace are this appearance, his worry, no longer establishes, therefore then can not have worried joining Azure Tree Mountain.
„Snow blade senior is willing to join my Azure Tree Mountain, is my Azure Tree Mountain good fortune, how I will shut out.” Chu Feng said.
„The Chu Feng little friend was really thinks highly of me, but I was not only the Azure Tree Mountain person, certainly will protect the Azure Tree Mountain dignity, did not allow anybody, was disadvantageous to Azure Tree Mountain.”
„Is only I must look to fight the heaven, although joins Azure Tree Mountain, feared that cannot work in Azure Tree Mountain, therefore this point, but also asked the Chu Feng little friend to take on.” Snow blade crazy demon said.
„Fights the heaven to do all kinds of evil, he lives is being disadvantageous to Holy Land of Martialism all people, if can remove him, is the luck of Holy Land of Martialism people.”
„Therefore the snow blade senior, you do not need to be Azure Tree Mountain works, can heartily looks to fight the heaven, this is you most vital duty.”
„Here, two flat peaches, under your also clothing.” Chu Feng takes out two flat peaches, has given the snow blade crazy demon.