3.2 Relevant measures
Using exploratory factor analysis, we examined the underlying factor structure of the
items in the questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using PASW/SPSS version 20.
We used the maximum likelihood method and oblique rotation to evaluate the
underlying factors along with scree plot to determine the number of factors to include
in the model. A 0.35 loading was cut-off point for deciding to include items in a scale.
The scree plot and Eigen values support the proposed dimensions (see discussion on
results of factor analysis later in this section).
Commitment to team goals. This variable was defined as the extent to which team
members were committed to a common goal and supported each other in
accomplishing that goal. We assessed goal commitment using a four-item measure
developed by Pazos et al. (2011). A sample item is “Our team was united in trying to
reach its goals for performance”. The coefficient alpha for goal commitment was 0.91
indicating high reliability.
We evaluated Conflict Management as a process mediator of the relationship
between the input variable and team outcomes. Conflict management measured the
extent to which the team was able to prevent negative conflict and solve emerging
conflict. We assessed conflict management using a four-item measure developed by
Tekleab et al. (2009) with a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). A sample item for this scale is “Conflict is dealt with
openly on this team.” Exploratory factor analysis resulted on all items loading on a
single factor. The reliability coefficient for this scale was a ¼ 0.88.
Perceived performance. We adapted a performance measure from Ancona and
Caldwell (1992), which included team member’s ratings of their team along five
dimensions: efficiency, quality, technical innovation, adherence to requirements, and
work excellence. Team members rated each question on a five-point Likert scale in
which 1 ¼ poor and 5 ¼ excellent. The five-item scale showed high (a ¼ 0.95)
Satisfaction. We used a measure of satisfaction based on the work by Van der Vegt
et al. (1998) and Flynn et al. (2001) to assess the overall team satisfaction with processes
and outcomes. The initial measure had 4 items but after factor analysis two items were
dropped as they loaded poorly in the factor. The final measure consisted of two
questions. The resulting reliability of the measure was a ¼ 0.93. Table I indicates the
variable category, name, corresponding items in the survey, and anchors.