To conclude I would like to say that sustainable agriculture is so much better than the conventional Green Revolution style agriculture because it fixes all the problem that the green revolution style did. Green Revolution style seems to focus more on the product yields whereas sustainable agriculture focusing on both economic and ecological sustainability. Sustainable farming would last longer as it doesn’t need help from outside the system, for example, rotation crops which I didn’t mention above it is a type of farming that you will change your crop every season of the year so that your crop would grow best and have highest yield possible and to do this type of farming you have to choose plants that uses different mineral from soil so that every time you change the crop, it would give the soil to recover the mineral used for the crop before so you don’t actually need to add more fertilizer comparing with Green Revolution style where you try to grow crop as much as possible and those crop use up all the excess mineral so you need to add more mineral through fertilizer.