The average SMOG reading grade was grade 9, with grades
ranging from between 6th to 12th grade. The average FRY reading
grade was grade 9, with grades ranging from between 6th to 13th
grade. For all the leaflets combined this equates to an overall
average reading grade of grade 9.
The SAM testfound 25 leaflets (59%)to be superior and 15 leaflets
(41%) to be adequate. No leaflets were scored as unsuitable. The
averagetotalSAMscorewas72.TheSAMtest foundallleafletsshowed
theirpurposevia the title,contentorcover (2.0), andnearlyallleaflets
were clear in their content focus (1.9). The literacy demand and
typography scores were generally high. These categories included
sentenceconstruction(1.9)enhancedlearning features(1.9)andgood
used (0.5) the use of lists, charts or tables (0.2) and captions for
illustrations (0.4). The scores for interactionwith the readerwerelow
at 0.9, although performance was better in behavior modeling and
motivation (1.6 and 1.7). Although cultural matching was adequate,
the use of positive cultural images (0.7) and overall suitability for the
target population in relation to culture (0.7) was low.