1. Introduction
Irrigation systems have been under pressure to produce more with lower supplies of water. Various innovative practices can gainan economic advantage while also reducing environmental bur-dens such as water abstraction, energy use, pollutants, etc. (Faurèsand Svendsen, 2007). Farmers can better use technological systems already installed, adopt extra technologies, enhance their skills in soil and water management, tailor cropping patterns to lower water demand and usage, reduce agro chemical inputs, etc.∗Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 20 7482 0266.E-mail addresses: L.Levidow@open.ac.uk (L. Levidow), dzaccaria@ucdavis.edu(D. Zaccaria), rmaia@fe.up.pt (R. Maia), evivas@fe.up.pt (E. Vivas), mladen@iamb.it(M. Todorovic), scardigno@iamb.it (A. Scardigno).Water-efficient practices potentially enhance the economic via-bility and environmental sustainability of irrigated agriculture,without necessarily reducing water usage. To inform such prac-tices, experts have developed various models of water efficiency,yet these are little used by farmers.Through two case studies in the EU context, this paper will address the following questions:•When an irrigation area invests in innovative technology, how can its operation help farmers to achieve the full potential benefits together, e.g. an economic advantage, greater water-use efficiency and lower resource burdens?•Why are innovative technologies often applied in ways which miss the full potential benefits?
1. Introduction
Irrigation systems have been under pressure to produce more with lower supplies of water. Various innovative practices can gainan economic advantage while also reducing environmental bur-dens such as water abstraction, energy use, pollutants, etc. (Faurèsand Svendsen, 2007). Farmers can better use technological systems already installed, adopt extra technologies, enhance their skills in soil and water management, tailor cropping patterns to lower water demand and usage, reduce agro chemical inputs, etc.∗Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 20 7482 0266.E-mail addresses: L.Levidow@open.ac.uk (L. Levidow), dzaccaria@ucdavis.edu(D. Zaccaria), rmaia@fe.up.pt (R. Maia), evivas@fe.up.pt (E. Vivas), mladen@iamb.it(M. Todorovic), scardigno@iamb.it (A. Scardigno).Water-efficient practices potentially enhance the economic via-bility and environmental sustainability of irrigated agriculture,without necessarily reducing water usage. To inform such prac-tices, experts have developed various models of water efficiency,yet these are little used by farmers.Through two case studies in the EU context, this paper will address the following questions:•When an irrigation area invests in innovative technology, how can its operation help farmers to achieve the full potential benefits together, e.g. an economic advantage, greater water-use efficiency and lower resource burdens?•Why are innovative technologies often applied in ways which miss the full potential benefits?
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