A remarkably diverse assemblage of plants, animals, and microbes live in inland waters, with nearly all major groups of living organisms found in one sort of aquatic ecosystem or another. Nevertheless, no major group actually evolved in inland waters; all evolved either in the sea or on land, whence the biological invasion of inland waters eventually took place. The long period of time since this original invasion occurred, however, has allowed many important taxa of inland waters, such as different types of crustaceans, to evolve.
The only major groups of aquatic animals conspicuously absent from inland waters include the phyla Echinodermata, Ctenophora, and Hemichordata. Several other major groups of aquatic animals, as well as plants, are markedly less diverse in inland waters than they are in the sea: Notable among the animals are the phyla Porifera (sponges), Cnidaria, and Bryozoa (moss animals) and among the plants are Phaeophyta (brown algae) and Rhodophyta (red algae). The reason these groups did not invade as successfully as other groups is uncertain, but presumably they were less able to cope with lower salinities and reduced environmental stability. Major groups of the inland aquatic biota that are derived from terrestrial ancestors are insects and macrophytes other than large algae.
Whatever their origins, the invading biota needed to develop many adaptations to the special physicochemical features of inland waters. For those abandoning a marine environment the primary adaptation was a physiologic one that would permit survival in a considerably less saline, more dilute external medium. For terrestrial biota, the most necessary adaptations were those that would allow the organism to exist in a medium of significantly greater density and viscosity that also contained less oxygen. Many other adaptations were required to meet the challenges that particular features of a given aquatic environment posed. Thus, in running waters adaptations were needed that prevented an organism from being washed downstream; in highly saline lakes, a concentrated external medium was the challenging environmental feature; and in temporary waters, the main obstacle was to survive the dry phase. The adaptations themselves are many and varied and include those of physiology (e.g., osmoregulatory abilities), structure (e.g., flattened bodies of fauna living in running waters), behaviour (e.g., burrowing to avoid dehydration), and ecology (e.g., development of life cycles that accord with the occurrence of seasonally unfavourable conditions).
The biota of almost all inland saline waters did not evolve directly from marine ancestors but instead primarily from freshwater forms. Only a few forms appear to be of terrestrial derivation, and a few organisms in inland waters located near coasts are of marine origin. Although at first this evolutionary pathway may not seem obvious, it can be explained easily. Organisms that survive under greater environmental stress tend to have a greater ability to adapt than those that do not. Marine environments are considered less stressful than freshwater environments; hence, organisms from fresh waters are better able to adapt to the extremely stressful environment of inland saline waters.