I choose study at TNI because
I wanna be production engineering
I like japanese
I like japanese food
I like custom of japan
I like anime and manga (cartoon)
I like everything about japan
I want read and speak japanese language
It is nescessary to my job in the future.
I ever invite SAKURA09 camp at TNI
Sakura09 camp make me touch to new experience it's amezing
it's interesting
new friends,new place because i'm from chiangrai
I think this here at TNI same school because TNI smaller than general university.
Everybody in TNI can stay together even study different major
I agree some sentence that
"You not feel alone when you study at TNI"
Everybody is sociality
TNI not just teach only knowledge but this here teach survive
All i say it's all reason can make me decide study production engineering at TNI