Regardless of what setting they appear in, l'Cie follow a pattern: they are primarily humans (though non-humans can be chosen as well) chosen by agents of the world's gods (fal'Cie or Crystals) as servants to fulfill a Focus or similar task. The tasks range from being protectors of said agents, fulfilling a task to realize the gods' agenda, or some other purpose.
It was stated in a video shown at Square Enix 1st Production Department Premiere event on January 18, 2011, which detailed the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology, that the gods Pulse and Lindzei created l'Cie and fal'Cie to help perform the tasks given them by their creator Bhunivelze. l'Cie are generally bound to fulfill their given tasks, but under certain circumstances (human willpower or divine intervention), they can act independently, even going against the will of their masters.
l'Cie draw their powers from crystals, which in turn are linked to the deities they serve via their fal'Cie contractors. The mental and emotional state of the l'Cie is important, as l'Cie who are mentally unstable or conflicted suffer side-effects and can become Cie'th: becoming Cie'th takes different forms in different worlds, with the main symptoms being transforming into crystalline monsters in Final Fantasy XIII, or suffering memory loss in Final Fantasy Type-0. Becoming Cie'th is associated with negative emotions, such as anger, hatred, or despair.
Orience l'Cie Brand
In both the Final Fantasy XIII and Type series, fulfilling one's Focus has the l'Cie enter crystal stasis, whereupon the l'Cie's soul is trapped in the mortal realm as a crystal epitaph. l'Cie in stasis are thus not truly dead, are said to dream, and can still be restored to normal under certain conditions. Fulfilling one's given Focus is not the only way for a l'Cie to enter crystal stasis; it can also be be done via the l'Cie's own strength of will. Some view crystal stasis as a type of immortality.
Although beings similar to l'Cie appear in Final Fantasy XV, they have not been referred to by that name. The game's former director, Tetsuya Nomura, has said that because he designed the game to have a modern setting and a story focused on human drama, he chose not to use the names in the mythos, instead using the concepts behind the terms.[1]