The third thing to notice is that everyone does not necessarily prize equally or at all, all of these human good or benefits. There are some values evidently necessary for all human being to possess to make human life possible and minimally meaningful at all--e.g., the biological values and most of the social values could be named. Without life, a minimum of good health, adequate food, housing, clothing, freedom from pain, etc., would not call human existence "good" or satisfactory. Some would say that without companionship, work, freedom education, security, human life would be unsatisfactory, not "good enough”. And we could talk in terms of maximum good, enhanced benefits that all people ought to enjoy, possess or experience in life, e.g. love, creativity, spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, etc. But it is still true that people differ in their values perspectives and priorities. The artist might be primary concerned with beauty while the scientist serves more, and seeks to possess more, the good of knowledge. One individual may treasure more solitude, while another enjoys companionship more, one person seeks security as a major value in his or her life, while another desires more novelty and adventure, enjoys risk-taking. Some like an active life-style and some a more sedentary existence. Some like driving fast cars and some would rather walk and smell the flowers. People differ in personality, talents and interests, and personal history which make their value perspective the ends and goals they seek in their life-plans to serve and experience, different from one another. Social groups differ in occupation, interests, and structure which make the things that they value different, Societies and cultures differ in religious and philosophical world-view which makes the supreme values that they seek to realize of a different order from other culture, Beyond then a possible minimal value consensus on what is good, beneficial desirable or all human beings, we are confronted by value pluralism and decisions about value priorities. Individuals and groups decide among all the human good which ones are better or best to pursue as ends or goals, as part of their life-plans.