it all started with a job my uncle got me. he was working as a customer on a film called disaster - it was about a hurricane that devastated the town, causing floods and landslides of destroying pretty much everything . there was lots of screaming and yelling and crying, death and disease and some terrible dialogue. everything was so unrealistic that the film itself a complete disaster.
anyway, the directory needed a few more extras for a school scene, so my uncle suggested me. my parents didn't mind and as it as was the school holidays i was allowed to do it. for two days i sat at a desk in a classroom. on the second day, one of the boys just couldn't get his lines right, even though he was a professional actor. i'd heard the lines so many times, i knew them by heart. the director was a bit of a bully. he stopped the boy, who had been trying to get his scene right yet again and groaned loudly. then he looked round the class. unexpectedly, he pointed to me .
'you, 'He said . 'come and try.'
'what me.?' said.
'you, you. come here.'
I look at the other
boy who obviously felt terrible. he looked like a dog that had been beaten by its owner. i hated the director for being so horrible to that boy. he was a bad actor but he'd seen trying really hard.
so I look for an excuse . 'Erm, I don't know how to act, 'I said.
unfortunately it had the wrong result. 'well' this boy can't act either!' said the director cruelly. 'come here!'
so i did the scene. I knew the lines. of course. but I could also feel myself becoming the boy in the film, thinking like him, feeling like him. it was as if i was growing into his skin. when I'd finished my lines, I suddenly became aware of everybody looking at me in silence. then i felt the director hit me hard in the back. 'well done, kid, 'he said. 'Good job for somebody who can't act.
everybody stared clapping. even the real actor, who the director had embarrassed, gave me a small smile and a thumbs up. i smiled back. a whole new world of future possibilities had opened up.
two weeks later, a letter dropped through the letter box with my name on it and the logo of a big film studio. i opened it. 'dear Mr lee,' the letter began. 'we are writing to inform you that we would like to consider you for the lead part in our new film. please phone me to make an appointment for an audition. yours sincerely, Dvina Estelle (personal assistant).' at the bottom of the letter was a handwritten note from the director. 'hi kid. you've got an awesome future. see you seen, Ken.' it was the start of a great career on the big screen - but i never ever worked with that director again.