Extensive review of the literature from journal articles and proceeding had been conducted to identify the OSH element during pre-construction stage. Table 3 shows on OSH element point out by previous researcher. Both of the elements, the “designer safety education & training” and the “contractor safety & health performance” were mention by more than one author. The others are OSH in the project brief & objective and preventive through design. The result of this objective proves that there still have a few ‘gap’ for the construction industry in Malaysia. Currently, there are no specific legal obligations imposed on clients, designers, and other “upstream stage” personal to ensure the construction project in Malaysia to run safely & healthy. By bringing the “upstream stage” players and constructor together, it enables problem pertaining safety and health to be solved at early stage as opposed to the traditional project management methods. This paper is an initial study with the hope that the finding will lead its way to the output of occupational safety & health indicators to be addressed for pre-construction in Malaysia. The researcher will prolong this research with other method.