For production of FA-Glu from soy fiber or soy hulls by sHF. fibers or hulls were suspended in S-7 medium without glucose, glutamic acid, trace metals and thiamine-HCl, then autoclaved at 121 C. On cooling, the preparations were supplemented with the remaining sterile S-7 medium ingredients except glucose, and then inoculated with B. subtilis 40688-E4, followed by addition of the sterile enzyme mixture. Immediately, aliquots were removed from the flasks, boiled for 10-15min to inactivate the enzymes, clarified and frozen for later analysis. Flasks were incubated with shaking at 160 rpm and 37 oc during the fermentation. Periodically, samples were aseptically withdrawn, clarified by centrifugation and/or syringe filtration (0.22 kum), then stored at -80°C for soluble CHO and FA-Glu analyses. Fermentation was performed at conditions that were sub-optimal for the enzymes; however, they were necessary for cell growth.