what is the meaning of introduction?
what is the definition of background and significance?
what is the definition of objective?
what is the definition of hypothesis?
what is the definition of scope?
a. explanation of why this project should be done. how important is this project is there any principle or theory related to the study? is it new or has it been studied by others? could it be on answer to certain problems? what is expected from this project?
ิb. the specific goal of the work which provides the clear scope of each project.
c. populations of study are set appropriately and so is a timetable estimate for the completion of the project. the period of time for the completion of the study is specified on terms of days, months or years.
d. explain how each specific objective will be achieved. the proposal should provide enough details to enable an independent scientific assessment of the proposal.
e. the expected answer or explanation. which could be proved right or wrong. should be reasonable. this means that it should be backed up by the theories furthermore, should provide the guidelines for the test.
f. to provide the students with knowledge and understand about proposal writing and to enable the students to write a project proposal.