molecular masses lower than 10 kDa. These basic peptides
are neurotoxins of low molecular mass that bind to ion
channels with high affinity, exerting their noxious effect
(Catterall et al., 2007). These small proteins may be
responsible for the typical symptoms of neurotoxic envenoming
observed in inoculated mice. Several components
purified after RT (retention time) 30 min showed PLA2
activities (peaks 10 to 19, except the fraction 13). Fraction
15 (from 35 to 40 min RT), which showed highest PLA2
activity, was further analyzed by MALDI–TOF and the
individual components clearly identified. The molar masses
(Fig. 4B) found were 11,914.5 Da and 13,650.6 Da.
molecular masses lower than 10 kDa. These basic peptides
are neurotoxins of low molecular mass that bind to ion
channels with high affinity, exerting their noxious effect
(Catterall et al., 2007). These small proteins may be
responsible for the typical symptoms of neurotoxic envenoming
observed in inoculated mice. Several components
purified after RT (retention time) 30 min showed PLA2
activities (peaks 10 to 19, except the fraction 13). Fraction
15 (from 35 to 40 min RT), which showed highest PLA2
activity, was further analyzed by MALDI–TOF and the
individual components clearly identified. The molar masses
(Fig. 4B) found were 11,914.5 Da and 13,650.6 Da.
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