Tinplate and tin free steel can be delivered in coil form or sheet form. The weight of the coil generally ranges from 6 tons to 12 tons per coil. The inner diameter of the coil can be either 420mm, 450mm or 508mm. The delivery weight of the coil is theoretically calculated. There is normally a small part of the coil that is not in accordance with the standard of first class product and can not be separated due to continuous production. So it is regulated by national standards that this small part of the coil shall not exceed 10 percent of the total weight of the coil.
The delivery weight of tinplate, tin free steel in sheet form is also theoretically calculated. For those products planned to be used in a short period and have lower requirement for moisture resistance, simple water-proof packing is used. For those products requiring long-distance transfer and having high requirement for moisture resistance, a steel box packing shall be added.