The law is the regulator behave in social situations. And Regulations The objective is to maintain order in society. The Latin proverb that "Where there is human The society is a society where there is a legal reason that any man. Then there is the law, "
legal historian Thailand
Sukhothai law
is the law of Sukhothai. The main religion in society and tradition It is a traditional folk law. Is a statute that result from ordinary reason or common sense of ordinary people. A good conscience is due to conduct a row for a long time. The evidence reflects That certain rules in Sukhothai appear in the inscriptions, such as proprietary law Ayutthaya Ayutthaya social development more complex than the Sukhothai period. This show traces of Indian cultural influence is quite clear. Including legislation Ayutthaya is legislative in Bible University is sourced from India by the Hindu faith. By Ayutthaya been coming through the okra. The same Buddhists Thammasat this Bible into the kingdom of Thailand. Since the adoption of clear evidence, but Sukhothai, Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin Period law reigns as one of those days that the law has been used before, it lacks clarity. And have not been sorted into categories for easy study. So be kind to settle in a new law. In Scripture Manusmṛti By bringing together existing legislation into one. This law is called 'the law of three sals' the law of three sals hold a codification of the earth has been updated to include tightness. Both civil and criminal justice In addition to the already packed Manusmṛti since the Ayutthaya period. There are still several important laws such as the law of nature documentary style bandit slave What the part of the law you do not like it from that period of Thai history? In the reign of the fourth period, the Europeans began. influence in Thailand Although he had announced and enacted laws. More force, but also because Thailand has a law called investigate by torturing the accused to trial is a trial that is ever being charged. It must provide evidence that their innocence. And mistreatment The neutral confessed to crimes such as hammers, nails, etc. Easy to press one's temple until it confessed that foreigners as uncivilized barbarism. It does not allow people in their force. Thailand makes waste Thailand extraterritoriality is to allow foreigners to set up judicial Salkgsul his people or people in his legal force of his own. Thailand, which is equal to the loss of independence of the court.