My dear..what kind of lie is this about me..this is a very chaep trick, now I realy MAD!!!...I call you by phone , you do not answer, I swear. I never. never have do this, I do not even know his e-mail adres!!!, is this you,r way to ending up with me ?? tell me than just on a normal way..not like this way...I have always the best willing for you ,never tell you a lie to important to me for that, and you know that also, why is he doing this to us !! why ??...tell me, maybe he won,t let you go with me...maybe very jealous.. I don,t know..he have send me a lot msn messages in the past you remember, but you have told him to stop, so I never have hear about him sold that problem did you. if I wanna know things about you , I can ask for myself...I man anough to do that...sorry I do not trust this man enymore, why can he not let it be rest...what is this a low trick ..I love you with whole my heart always do. I shall never bring that in he upset you and me...very good of him ...very good.. I tell you there are many other woman I can have start a relation with, but I only want you, I have always told you that, I,m here in my house all alone week after week, now I have waigt for you a long time, you ask me to do that...and ofcorse I will waigt for you a long time...and I trust you also..but please don,t waist my time whit stupide lies! you truly.. Eldo!