Pilot program equipment deliverables, system specs and costing
1. Setup and configuration of a server installation in Raydant / online server room
2. Provision of Smart Phones configured with Gather smartphone software
3. Provision of inReach handheld satellite burst transmitter
4. Provision of two operations laptops
5. Integration services – Thai Field collection forms, proof of concept link to central command center, proof of concept integration of historical data
6. Two 3 Day training sessions on field operations - data collection, command center interaction and situational awareness.
a. 1st session FIST trainer and expert translator
b. 2nd session FIST trainer, scenario support trainer and expert translator
7. One year software license, convertable to perpetual license, with technical support US business hours
8. Provision of a command center computer
9. Server maps using Google Maps for business instead of Client or open source maps
10. Cloud capable enterprise server
11. Full time perpetual licenses