>The System Criteria<
Mobile installation : Main Menu consist of 4 parts (on mobile device)
1.Start : Which for start to use the system, user activate their mobile device. This button will automatically open Google mobile.
Recent trips: show the recent route that user is now and where they are going to.
My Carpools : In case of driving a car
My Transit Trips : In case of using public transportation
2.Reduce : Review trips have taken recently and also calculate the trip’s carbon output
3. Offset : Show what your carbon footprint actually means to collect
4. Stop&Exist : Stop the trip and Exist from the system
In case of outdoor activities : Calculation Criterias base on distance of travelling, cost of gas or fuel. The system using the distance of the nearest of calculation.
In case of indoor activities : The calculation base on the summary of the energy they used in resident. The results shown in summary of a day(s) a week(s) and a month (s).