Hereby I remind again that instruction giving out clearly that all dept KPI must submit every 6th of the month, and it has been delaying from 1 dept to another, so Supata since you are handling in receiving all the dept KPI target and duty to print out as summary for me take note & action accordingly that once every 6th of the month any dept that didn’t submit consider no waiting anymore and you must submit the monthly KPI summary to me on every 7th of the month without fail as I don’t like waiting for report. Deadline means deadline and not negotiation and no excuses at all.
For those who delay in submitting on 6th then you personally print out and submit to me in the management review meeting, and Choknipat since you are the secretary of the meeting that for those who delay in submitting the KPI report stated it in the minutes of meeting table as we need to seriously track on each dept performance in submitting the report ON-TIME as if report also cannot submit on-time then what kind of commitment we can trust of that person.
Take action and this instruction take effect on 3-6-2015.
If anyone who fail to follow this instruction then I personally will punish without hesitation and by then don’t give any excuse as I will not listen at all.