The pedestrians in five cases were hit by a car, in
three cases by a large truck, in two cases with a pickup
truck and in one case with a tram. In four cases the car
ran over the victim. A tread impression was found in
two cases. In 18 cases (60%) severe fractures of the
skull were observed, in 24 cases (80%) brain injuries
and in nine cases fractures of the ribs and/or injuries of
lungs and heart were detected (Table 2). In the groups,
car passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists, the injuries
of skull and brain were the most frequent injuries and
the cause of death (in six cases fractures of the skull
and in nine cases brain injuries). The four victims who
were run over by the cars had severe fractures of the
pelvis, as well as injuries to their liver and intestine. In
one case of a pedestrian a MESSERER-fracture was
found. In the group car passengers ðn ¼ 10Þ the two
young children (4 years and 2 years) were fixed in a
special child car seat. These two younger children as
well as two others from the group car passengers had
severe injuries of the thorax and abdomen.
Two cases were particularly tragic: