The four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking are distinct.
There is more than ample evidence to suggest that, although the four aspects of communicative
ability are highly related, they are nonetheless logically and empirically distinct. Logically, the four
skills are related in complementary ways. Both listening and reading are receptive skills — modes of
understanding. Speaking and writing are productive skills. Thus, the four basic skills are related to each
other by virtue of both the mode of communication (oral or written) and the direction of communication
— either receiving or producing messages.
The four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking are distinct.There is more than ample evidence to suggest that, although the four aspects of communicativeability are highly related, they are nonetheless logically and empirically distinct. Logically, the fourskills are related in complementary ways. Both listening and reading are receptive skills — modes ofunderstanding. Speaking and writing are productive skills. Thus, the four basic skills are related to eachother by virtue of both the mode of communication (oral or written) and the direction of communication— either receiving or producing messages.
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