Dry Potato
The process for dry potato is shown in Diagram 1.
Description of the Process:
The potato crop comes from the field in jute sacks or polypropylene
bags. It is weighed before entering the productive process. Visual
selection is carried out to eliminate the potatoes that exhibit contusions,
signs of microorganism attack or any other deterioration.
Tubers are washed in a machine that generates a shower of water, with
rollers fitted with nylon bristles.
A peeling machine peels the potatoes by abrasion. The peeled potatoes
go into baskets and are sunk in a tub of water.
The peeled potatoes undergo a pre-cooking stage in boiling water to
avoid browning and improve final yield.
Then potatoes are passed to a rectifier, to eliminate "eyes", remains of
shells and damaged parts.
Potatoes are cut in strips of 1x1 cm traverse section and variable
longitude, using manual or vertical disk cutters.