We recorded the visible and near-infrared spectra of 4
small NEOs (namely, 2003 EG, 2003 FT3, 2003 FU3, and
2003 GJ21) from 4th to 9th May 2003, with the ESO New
Technology Telescope (NTT) at La Silla, Chile (seeTable 1).
For the visible observations, the NTT was equipped with
EMMI (ESO MultiMode Instrument), used in the low resolution mode with the Grism #1 and a slit width of 5
resolution was about 250). We chose such a wide slit in order to reduce possible tracking problems and/or atmospheric
differential refraction effects. Moreover, we paid attention to
the orientation of the slit, taking care to place it along the direction of the motion of the object in the sky. The NTT’s in