6. Conclusions
The conclusions to this discussion paper are by their very nature tentative; however it appears quite likely, in answer to the opening questions, that each of the constraints discussed are of relevance to outcomes that may be anticipated on the implementation of the MRATP.
It is suggested that the relevance of existing levels of employment in Thailand, Thai cultural constraints, and the level of English proficiency may also extend to the outcomes of the operation of the various other mutual recognition agreements. English proficiency levels stand out as a barrier to outward, and at the same time as a motivation or encouragement for inward mobility of workers, not simply in the tourism and hospitality sector, but also in the other prescribed professions. Hence, Thailand may face new challenges with an influx of workers from other ASEAN nations once the protections currently afforded by restrictive labor laws are diluted.
While proactive steps are already being taken in the educational sector, tourism professionals may initiate strategies to ensure existing staff remain committed by improving salaries and working conditions. On the one hand, while this may help retain local tourism and hospitality employees, yet on the other hand it may attract a greater inflow of prospective employees from other ASEA