Paddy husk characterization
A nu" of publications containing thermodynamic property
data for biomass have wed (Jain, 1988; Ebling & Jenkins,
1985; Jain, 1988; Kjellstrom, 1982; Rossi, 1984). Properties
relevant to both thermochemical and biologd conversion
processes are reported, although comprehensive data on the
properties of paddy husk is inadequate.
Characteristics of paddy husk as reported by various authors
are given m Table 1. A close look at the reported data on the
characteristics of paddy husk reveal sigtllscant inconsistency
in the reported values. This may be because of Werences in
the variety of paddy grown, sod conditions and other
environmental factors prevailing in the Werent regions. As is
evident from the Table 1, some very important data on
characterization is not reported in the literature.