Orange, Citrus sinensis, is an evergreen tree in the family Rutaceae grown for its edible fruit. The orange tree is branched with a rounded crown and possesses elliptical or oval leaves which are alternately arranged on the branches. The leaves have narrowly winged petioles, a feature that distinguishes it from bitter orange, which has broadly winged petioles. The tree produces white flowers singly or clustered on a raceme. The fruit is a spherical berry with a green-yellow to orange skin covered in indented glands and a segmented pulpy flesh and several seeds. Orange trees can grow to a height of 6–15 m (16–49 ft) and can live for periods in excess of 100 years. Most plantations have an economic lifespan of around 30 years. Orange may also be referred to as sweet orange or navel orange and is believed to have originated from a wild ancestor in the border between Vietnam and China.