One fine day, while drifting aimlessly through space on the end of their balloons... the Gnoufs catch site of planet Earth. It had been ages since they’d seen something so interesting, so naturally they decided to drop in... Endowed with magical powers, the Gnoufs can “spooforate”, or became a part of any object or living being. Thus they can temporarily borrow the body of a cow, became a flower, or a sugared waffle, in order to experience the differing attributes of such things! This
particular power also allows the Gnoufs to access the other magical creatures that secretly haunt the Earth, invisible to mankind, such as fairies, monsters, ghosts...
In each episode of this spontaneous show, share thirteen minutes in the crazy lives of the Gnoufs on Earth. you’ll shiver with excitement as you are swept along on their amazing journeys; as your brains boils with their existential questions: How can you tan when your skin is blue? Do pancakes always stick to the ceiling? If you are dying to know the answers, if you love karaoke, philosophy, and intergalactic upholders of justice who adore pulverizing Monsters, then join the magical ring of the Gnoufs! Go on a hilarious, absurd, mischievous, yet deeply poetic Gnouf adventure every morning, and start off your day with a bang!