Color and gloss are important film characteristics affecting consumer acceptability when film is applied on food as a wrapper. It was found that the use of beeswax and nanoclay affected the color brightness (L*), greenness (a*), yellowness (*b) and glossi- ness of HPMC-based composite films (p < 0.05) as shown in Table 1. Addition of beeswax or nanoclay in HPMC-based composite films reduced L* and gloss values as visually observed in film appearance. However, the -a* and *b values increased. This might have been due to the whiteness of beeswax and the yellowness of nanoclay causing a change of film color. Similarly, nanoclay decreased the L* value but increased the ea* and b* values of WPI/nanoclay com- posite films (Sothornvit et al., 2009). Film compositions using beeswax and nanoclay significantly affected the total color differ- ence (DE*) of HPMC-based composite films compared to HPMC film (p < 0.05) as shown in Table 1. Beeswax caused a higher DE* value than nanoclay in HPMC-based composite films.