In its sexual state, Sporidiobolus salmonicolor produces dikaryotic hyphae with clamp connections.[2][5] At the terminal end of the hyphae, thick-walled teliospores are produced. Teliospores are 9-15μm in diameter, brown in color, spherical in shape and contain lipid-rich globules.[2][7] Upon germination of the teliospore, basidia with basidiospores are produced. Basidia are transversely septate, two-celled and 4-6 x 20-25 μm in size. Each basidium will generally produce two large basidiospores that are 5–6 × 7–10 μm in size.[7] Prior to the production of the basidium, endospores have also been known to form in the interior of teliospores.[10] This phenomenon is associated with the production of meiospores within the teliospore cytoplasm, ultimately released by rupture of the teliospore wall.[10]