(i) Issuance of PPP Financing Framework by combining different sources of
financing – public finances, Official Development Assistance (ODA), and
private investments – through PPPs, in line with their respective risks
(ii) Preparing PPP projects to internationally acceptable standards to receive the
infrastructure financing mobilised from different sources, and structuring the
projects so that the risk exposure to concerned parties is well-aligned to the
financing provided.
(iii) Establishing credit culture in public infrastructure operations to access
financial market through bond issuance, bond rating and improved standing of
public agencies as credible partners for the private sector.
(iv) Leveraging on initiatives by multilateral development banks and other
development partners in the region which offer tailored technical expertise on
infrastructure financing and other specific models which have attracted private
sector financing for PPP projects.
18. At the regional level, the private sector engagement strategy aims to achieve a wellfunctioning
infrastructure finance market set against changing global financial and
macroeconomic realities. This strategy requires the following key components:
(i) Sharing information and working towards harmonising procedures on
infrastructure finance, including PPPs, and related financial sector
mechanisms to facilitate cross-border private investments in infrastructure and
(ii) Providing technical support to individual countries in developing policies and
mechanisms for private financing of infrastructure through regional
knowledge exchange and capacity building platforms such as the World BankASEAN
Infrastructure Finance Network (IFN).
(iii) Establishing a Private Sector Consultative Group to position the regional PPP
development agenda as a strategic partnership between public and private
sectors, as well as to solicit ideas and seek technical support through meetings
and consultations of PPP units in the respective ASEAN Member States and
the private sector.