Kayla Silverfox is a lover of Wolverine who is is “killed” by Sabretooth. She is later revealed to be alive and an ally of William Stryker. Kayla possesses a tactile mind control ability where she can control the mind of anyone she touches. She is responsible for Logan’s choice of “Wolverine” as his alias: A story she told him involved a spirit that was tricked into being parted forever from his lover the Moon, the spirit (whose name translates as “Wolverine”) subsequently forced to look at the Moon forever and never be with her again. Silver Fox suffers fatal injuries in the final assault on the Island prison facility. Before she dies she touches William Stryker, telling him to walk until his feet bleed. Logan sees her dead body shortly afterwards, but as he has amnesia from being shot in the head with an adamantium bullet, he is unable to remember her connection to him