Either team or individual develops a site, it is inevitably
needed to use different browsers to have a test. Along with the
popularity of web technology, the design of web pages’ layout has
become an important indicator to measure the quality of the page.
The technology of DIV + CSS is one of popular web design
technologies. However, the browsers, especially the major browsers
Internet Explorer and Firefox have compatibility issues with a page in
different browsers showing different manifestations because of core
differences. This article promote a mode that “ overall design
framework, local adjust interface element, refined differences” to
design web page. In consideration of the browser compatibility,
based on that way to write CSS files can realize the reasonable layout
of web page design.
Keywords- Internet
Either team or individual develops a site, it is inevitablyneeded to use different browsers to have a test. Along with thepopularity of web technology, the design of web pages’ layout hasbecome an important indicator to measure the quality of the page.The technology of DIV + CSS is one of popular web designtechnologies. However, the browsers, especially the major browsersInternet Explorer and Firefox have compatibility issues with a page indifferent browsers showing different manifestations because of coredifferences. This article promote a mode that “ overall designframework, local adjust interface element, refined differences” todesign web page. In consideration of the browser compatibility,based on that way to write CSS files can realize the reasonable layoutof web page design.Keywords- Internet
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