Cotton woven fabric is a rough and porous substrate produced by interlacing threads, composed of micrometer-sized cellulose fibers, placed perpendicular to each other. Therefore, microscale roughness is naturally provided and further nanoscale roughness is necessary for the formation of dual-sized structure to become superhydrophobic substrate. As demonstrated from SEM images (Fig. 4), coating of cotton fabric with AgNWs caused formation of dual-sized structure, i.e., AgNWs on the surface of cellulose microfibers. In order to create a hydrophobic surface, the fabric was then modified by a low-surface-energy fluorosilane (Danasylan® F 8815) to reduce its surface-energy. SEM images of Danasylan® F 8815 coated AgNWs-loaded fabric, at different magnifications, are shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that Danasylan® F 8815 forms a very thin layer on the fibers surface so that AgNWs are easily observable. EDX spectrum of the prepared fabric is shown on Fig. 8. EDX spectrum of the fabric yielded carbon, oxygen, silver, silicon and fluorine peaks. The presence of the silicon and fluorine peaks indicates the successful coating of Danasylan® F 8815 on the surface of AgNWs-loaded fabric.