Switzerland Culture and Traditions Switzerland is located in the center of Europe. The four languages spoken are German, French, Italian and traditional dialects. Switzerland’s boundary is connected to German, French, Austria and Italy. The geography of the country is surrounding with mountain where alternative with central plateau cause to the cultural differences. For example, the culture and traditions in little mountain and in the city is likely differ customs. So, the cultural of the country is very variety, following to their geography and life styles. The prominent point of Swiss culture is a folk culture which still exists and also an art is still like to be practicing in the beautiful country. The Switzerland products as can know as chocolates, cheeses and watches, etc. Those products are very famous not only in the country but all over the world. Not only the high quality products that famous, it is also one of the leaders of high technology in the world. Overall, Switzerland is a beautiful and unique landscape, stunning a cultural and spectacular tradition which is one of the most attractive countries in Europe where people should be visit and explore of their life tim