I feel really really bad Nichaaon that I said things out of jealousy,No man or woman has the right to tell another person what to do or how to lead their life. People do things because they love each other and don't want to hurt their partner. I am truly sorry and know I have never the right to tell you to do something. It is just you have done something to me that makes me feel crazy. The thought of not being near you to say hello makes my stomache feel sick and my heart racing. I just do not want to lose you to someone as I think I have been waiting my whole life for you. I know the reason now why I have worked long and hard ,it is I can afford to come and be with you. Without some money talk of love is just fresh air if it cannot be put into action. I feel sad that I may have caused you some stress for that I am sorry but I want you to know I am loyal to you and hope you forgive me for being wrong in saying those things to you. I am falling in love with you and that does many strange things to a man. Xxxx