The rationale behind Thailand's policy towards neighbouring countries under the Chuan government was described as follows: "Thailand was faced with an economic crisis that had spread to other countries both in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. This had resulted in political and economic instability and a decline in Thailand's bargaining p " As a consequence, political changes and developments in the neighbouring countries as well as the expansion of membership by ASEAN added to the unpredictability of international politics in the region. The common land and sea borders that Thailand has with many of these countries, and the similarities as well as differences in the political system and level of economic development are identified as requiring policy-makers to urgently carry out a proactive policy with the goal of building national and regional stability. The policy, as spelled out, was one that would build unity and promote co-operation "in recognition that peace, happiness, and the well-being of in neighbouring countries" will be similarly realized by Thai citizens in the border areas.