1 Introduction
International tourism development trends are
entailed with changes in customer habits. Increased
importance of new tourism destinations, impact of
new technologies to the sector and fast development
of low cost airlines will have further impact on
economic development of international tourism [1].
Aspiring to ever new experience and adventures in
globally changing environment, traveler meets new
danger forms, which causes risks for its private
New danger forms such as international terrorism,
internal and cross-border conflicts, new diseases and
epidemics, unpredictable nature catastrophes, water
deficit, climate changes become the business risk.
Safety risks in tourism take new, unexplored,
strange and unpredictable forms of expression [2],
Subject ‘safe’ (safety, security) cannot be defined
unequivocal. It contains many of its expressions and
safety factors having important role in people,
society and country life and being one of crucial
main conditions of social, economical, technical,
ecological and biological systems. Thus it cannot be
conceived isolated from various theoretical aspects
of development of systems related to society life
which are crucial for ensuring each individual,
family, local society, public authorities, general
society, as well as country or national security level
Researches and reports of tourism services
providers reflect that there is strong increase in
demand of culture, nature and active tourism. Safety