The doors open once again on a beautiful spring day. Grown from a child to a man and from a novice to a master, Adult Monk has been reborn as teacher for his new protégé. Together, Adult Monk and his young pupil are to start the cycle anew….
The baby boy is his own rebirth but now the boy does not make the mistake of the previous monk-boy who tied the fish, frog and snake. His mind has evolved to a turtle like stage which has a hard shell to with draw its organs to protect while sensing danger.
Both the monks try to transcend into their inner self by "shutting" their sensual organs like the eyes, nose, ears and mouth with pieces of paper inscribed with letter "shut". Later self-forced effort comes naturally and with ease like turtle withdrawing its organs. The new monk uses the "shutting" forcing himself for inner maturity, while the old one does for the final liberation.