8. A father h teaching his son that he must work hard end make sacrifices to be successful. He sums up his lecture by No pain. no gain. 2. An work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 3: Take time to smeu the flowers. 4. Curiosity kined the cat.
9. Leaves and dead branches from your neighbor's tree always fall in your backyard. You tell your neighbor 1. Could you trim the branches? 2. I'm sick of your leaving 3. You are welcome to take leave. 4. Wilt you please keep your tree to yourself?
10. A mother is teaching her children about table manners and says. "im...........- I. You should eat vegetables. 2. You should help me set the table. 3. You chould not invite your friends over for dinner. 4. You should not chew with your mouth open.