terminal serum creatinine, recipient body mass index (BMI),
DCD donor, and donor’s age ≥16 years [8]. In recent years,
although much effort has been made to identify the risk
factors forDGF, its causewas scarcely investigated. Ischemiareperfusion
injury and acute rejection episodes occurring
during theDGF period are both themain causalmechanisms
of DGF and they are hard to distinguish from each other as
they are highly correlated [9]. Furthermore, the impact of
DGF on patient and graft outcome is controversial due to lack
of control for acute rejection in most analyses. Some studies
found shorter allograft survival regardless of rejection occurrence
[10–12] but others did not [13, 14]. Altogether, DGF
seems to decrease long-termgraft survival as a result of combined
ischemia-reperfusion injury and early rejection [15].