Therefore, it is much more complex in modeling the venetian blind for calculating its thermal performance when compared to the plain glass window.
Chaiyapinunt et al. [1] and Chaiyapinunt and Khamporn [2] have studied the thermal performance of different types of glass.
Many research works related to the heat transmission through the glass window installed with venetian blind have been done.
Research works [3-12] are only dealt with flat slat blind.
Research works [13-14] are dealt with the venetian blind with arbitrary shapes.
Chaiyapinunt and Worasinchai [15, 16] have developed a mathematical model to calculate the shortwave optical properties for a curved slat venetian blind with thickness and a mathematical model to calculate the longwave optical properties for a
curved slat venetian blind by including both the effect of slat curvature and the effect of slat thickness in the mathematical model from the beginning.
With an accurate model for the optical properties of the curved venetian blind, the thermal performance of glass window
installed with a curved venetian blind can be accurately predicted.
Chaiyapinunt and Khamporn [17] have developed the mathematical model for the combined glass window and a curved venetian blind installed behind the glass window to calculate the thermal performance of a glass window system in term
of heat gain in the part of shortwave radiation to the space.
The matrix layer calculation method [4, 5] was used to combine the optical properties of the individual glass windows and the optical properties of the venetian blind to achieve the optical properties of the combined glass window and the blind.
Since the optical properties of the venetian blind are dependent on several parameters, such as slat properties, slat angle
and solar profile angle, 84x84 bi directional optical properties matrix was set up.
The optical properties of the combined glass window and the blind shall also be formed as an 84x84 matrix as well.
In this article the study of the effect of installing a curved venetian blind to the glass window on heat transmission is performed.
The heat transmission through the glass window installed with a curved venetian blind in the part of longwave radiation and heat conduction shall be analyzed.
The variations of the thermal performance of the glass window installed with venetian blind in term of solar heat gain coefficient and overall heat transfer coefficient on different types of glass and blind are also investigated.