Don’t! Don’t come inside! Leave at once!” Crowley screamed at the top of his lungs, making a dash towards the window found in that big room. But before he knew it, Ferid was already standing in front of the window. And again, Crowley didn’t see him move. The creature was so fast that Crowley’s eyes couldn’t keep up.
Casual as ever and not perturbed in the least, Ferid commented mirthfully, “Just look at this: Crowley Eusford-kun is desperately trying to save his comrades, yet for some reason the comrades do not believe him.”
“Shut up, Nald Vine! You bastard, how dare you kill your own comrades! We’ll string you up for that!”
“Aah♪ Aah♪ Commander Alfred. It’s happening again. Again I can’t save my comrades. I couldn’t follow your order. Why is this happening? Where are You, O Lord…?” the vampire was almost singing the words of mockery.