4. Conclusion
The effect of extraction conditions on total polyphenols content
and antioxidant activities were studied by response surface methodology
in wood apple fruit. The results showed that ethanol concentration
and incubation temperature affected the measured
responses significantly. Under the optimal condition of 62.7% ethanol,
49.7 C temperature and 39.4 (ml/g) of solid-to-solid ratio the
predicted values were found to at 7.37 g GAE/g, 83.8% and 84.2%,
respectively for TPC, DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity.
Overall, our study suggests that the model obtained in the present
study can be applied for large scale production of polyphenols for
further use in pharma/food industries. This may ease the fortification/
supplementation of bioactive compounds in various food formulations
designed to combat oxidative-stress mediated health
problems by their biochemical and physiological processes.