I can translate only some of it because i don't listen much.
Since the first day, I had spoken alone with you. I came back and always thinking about you all the time. I wanted to know, What was happened to me? What was make me become different?
It's because your eyes when you looking at me or maybe because something else make me feel this way but it's impooible. You look quite confused, Are you want to love or forget about me.
Everything had changed because of you.
You made me love you first and now I can't stop thinking about you. My heart always waiting and looking for you. You made my heart going crazy and thinking about you all night. I really don't know, how long I can stay in this situation if I miss you so much.
I wanted to keep you with me, always around me And I don't want to left anything of your for onone. I wanted to hear only your voice and you're always tell me that you love only me. So, I have to be control my self because if i couldn't see, I think, I'll going to die.
I relly miss you.
How long I can be patient if I miss you so much.
. wanted to keep you with me, always around me And I don't want to left anything of your for onone. I wanted to hear only your voice and you're always tell me that you love only me. So, I have to be control my self because if i couldn't see, I think, I'll going to die.
I really miss you so much.